Re: local mail delivery

Neil Woods (
Thu, 3 Aug 1995 20:38:37 +0100

> I was called for help on a breakin attempt that appeared to be using
> the local mail delivery agent race on SunOS.  In response, I wrote the
> following.  It appears to me to be fairly tight, but I'd appreciate any
> flaws anyone can pick with it.  (It does have some problems, notably
> lack of checking for malloc() failure and disk full errors.  I'm
> talking about specifically security holes.)
> In return, I offer this to anyone who may care to use it.  (Of course,
> it comes with no warranty; it's free, and you get what you pay for.)
> Unpack into a directory somewhere and compile with
> "cc -I. -o localmail *.c" or something equivalent.  (You will need to
> use a prototype-capable compiler.  NeXTstep 2.1 /bin/cc works, as does
> gcc 2.6.3 under SunOS 4.1.3, provided you link with something that
> provides strerror().)
>                                         der Mouse

I had a quick look at your code (although you're tab key appears to
be broken, and your space bar is intermitent ;-), main() doesnt look
too clever:-

  { FILE *f;
    int i;
    i = open("/tmp/localmail.log",O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);
    if (i >= 0)
     { f = fdopen(i,"a");
       fprintf(f,"[%d] uid=%d euid=%d ac=%d\n",getpid(),getuid(),geteuid(),ac);
       for (i=0;av[i];i++)
       { fprintf(f,"\t%s\n",av[i]);

I presume you either intend to make localmail suid root, or have sendmail
set[ug]id for you, which makes the above potentially dodgy.

Also your mkstemp() replacement is pure overkill.

Recommended code for binmail, with every known problem fixed, can be
found in:-

        CERT advisory CA-95:02.binmail.vulnerabilities

and I would personally recommend it.


Let the Mystery Be, So Watcha Want, Longing In Their Hearts, Hate My Way,
M-Bike, Safari, Uncle June and Aunt Kiyoti, Daisy Dead Petals, Tuff Gnarl. a badger with an afro throwing sparklers at the Pope...